Top Bosu Ball Ab Moves!

I love incorporating instability exercises into my routine to switch things up + really light a 🔥. 
Having a strong core plays a huge role in preventing injury and enhancing performance 💪🏼

My Top 7 Bosu Core Moves you can't go wrong with:

✖️In + Outs
✖️Push Up ➡️5 Mtn. Climbers
✖️Dead Bug
✖️Hip Drop ➡️Plank Hold
✖️Spiderman ➡️ Crossover
✖️Oblique Toe Touch
✖️Straight Arm Rock n Roll
30 Seconds each, 2-3 Sets

Don't have a bosu? That's okay! Most of these moves can be performed without one, with a few slight mods. You will just be missing out on the instability piece, but still get a killer burn 🔥

Let me know how your abs feel after this one! Mine are still feeling this one a few days later....

Song: Sorry Not Sorry//Demi Lovato
Pants + Top// lululemon
Shoes// APL